If you’ve been in a car accident, chances are you’re stiff, sore, and maybe even seriously injured. Even in a low-speed collision, our bodies were not made to absorb the shock of a car accident, and our backs and necks can suffer greatly. If you have a back injury resulting from a car accident, you may be entitled to...
Read MoreHave you ever wondered how many accidents happen in Florida each year? The Florida Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles puts out crash statistics for most years. And you might be surprised to learn that, in 2020, there were 341,399 reported crashes in the state. That is a shocking average of 933 crashes per day. These car accidents...
Read MoreTraumatic spinal cord injury is a serious public health issue. These injuries can lead to various degrees of neurological deficits and paralysis, depending on the severity of the injury. Motor vehicle accidents are one of the leading causes of traumatic spinal fractures in the nation, with a recent estimate indicating that there are about 17,500 new cases of spinal...
Read MoreIf you suffered arm or shoulder injuries from a car accident, you might be entitled to compensation through a lawsuit against the party that caused the collision. Most of us use our arms every day, and arm injuries have the potential to change your life significantly. Though they vary substantially in severity, obtaining immediate medical attention for any arm...
Read MoreMost people think they will never forget the details of their car accident. Unfortunately, memories fade quickly, even when it comes to an event as traumatic as a car collision. That’s why it’s essential to obtain a copy of your accident report. These reports are used by attorneys and insurance companies to piece together the details of a collision....
Read MoreAuto accidents are always complicated, even when they seem fairly simple. If you or a loved one sustained injuries from a car accident in Florida, you might be entitled to compensation. Our experienced Tallahassee auto accident lawyers can meet with you and determine if you have a valid case. Please contact us online or call (850) 601-1111 today for a free consultation. Do...
Read MoreWhen you sustain injuries in a car accident, you might have the right to pursue a personal injury claim for damages. Understandably, prospective clients want to know what their case is worth. However, average personal injury settlement amounts vary. Every claim is unique and could resolve for significantly different dollar amounts. Rather than looking for information on the average car...
Read MoreFollowing your car accident, you may have several questions about how to start building your claim. While other forms of evidence, such as photographs and witness statements, play a significant role in your claim, accident reports are just as important. These reports, filed by the responding police officer, detail the different aspects of the accident. In fact, it often...
Read MoreGetting into an accident is a stressful and frustrating experience. When the other party has no insurance, you might wonder what happens after an accident with an uninsured driver. Because Florida is a no-fault state, your first source of recovery is your personal injury protection (PIP) coverage. That means you could receive reimbursement for some of your medical expenses...
Read MoreFlorida car insurance laws differ from those of many other states because Florida is a no-fault state. Vehicle owners must purchase personal injury protection (PIP) coverage as part of their auto insurance policy. If you are involved in an accident, your first source of recovery is through your PIP coverage. This process differs from some other states where you...
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